
blatherings about life, the universe & everything.... or more likely just books, students, family, & someday politics, religion and those more esoteric themes related to self actualization. Trying to be optomistic, but raised w/ Tricky Dick, bumbling Ford, Teflon Ron, Waffling-Read-My-Lips Bush & Slick Willie as her formative Presidents. Could we once again have intelligence & integrity in our nation's capital & capitol?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Dear readers:

One week left of 5 weeks of summer school. But paychecks for it seem to be slow in arriving. Also slow in arriving: extra duty pay.

Thus: No shower/bath renovating.

Idiotically though, I have overspent at JC Penny's & Kohl's. Clothes. Yes, I know I usually don't even go shopping. Penny's had a 75% off sale & I found things at 50% off too. But it added up. The official reason I even went was because the daughter's 18th birthday. She wanted undergarments & nightwear for college that wasn't from junior high. But what she bought didn't quite end up that way. I was just along for the credit card signing. But it didn't end up that way. STUPID!!! But man, do I look nice in them!

& I still need to hold back money for August home insurance & September car taxes... & try to save up for December taxes as I pay off the 0% credit cards... damn. You know how dieters often binge & "blow" their diets? I think I just did the monetary version of it.

Oh, & older son needed 125$ to go to camp. And daughter & boyfriend finally took me up on the offer to pay anyone who destroyed a shed $100....
Just wave good bye to that money... like it grew on a tree, or like the crab grass in my yard. If I had a penny for every crabgrass or wild strawberry plant I've pulled, I wouldn't be nagging myself about spending money.

Out of sight, out of mind isn't working as well as it needs too. Going to places with single men isn't working as well as it needs to. A student who used to always be in Flirty's office during my lunch time asked me if I knew how to contact Flirty. I said, "No." He said, "I thought you two were close buddies, so why don't you?" I said, "I think we are, but let's just say, it's probably better that I don't know how." The student got an onry quizzical look on his face. I said, "Don't ask now; save it for lunchtime." Fortunately, he forgot to.

Exercise & watching what I eat isn't going as well as they need to.

Motivating youngest son to do his fair of chores--- not going as well as it needs to.

Cleaning house.... you guesssed it.

Procrastinating on cleaning by grading papers, pulling weeds and blogging... going so well all of the papers are graded & some small portions of yard don't look as weed infested as it does in general. I even have some baby grass growing in previous weedy spots. But the crabgrass war is far from won.

I have remembered to call the soft water system installers & remind them that the way they installed it in March allowed for the system to freeze & that was not acceptable. I called them on Easter morning. & YOu know how caller ID saves phone numbers? I've returned their call to me from way back a few times; but just got voice mail. I got a live person... it's not the installer's number anymore. ARGH!! I called another number though & got more voicemail. . .

And now I must go call around for a plumber/handyman to do the tub when I have the kids or in August the week of my party, because I'm gone to San Francisco during what could have been the most convenient week to do it. What fun!

take care.



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