I have a 7 day trial with "true.com." The system there asks you questions & then they try to describe you from that. I think they screwed up some. But I'm going to post what they think they know about me in a pretty color & then make my comments in black about what they've got right & wrong.
As a Shining Star, you’re a perfect party guest and a great friend – people love having you around!. You know that life is good, and that feeling is contagious! I so feel out of my realm at parties. I never feel like I belong. I like the ideas of parties, but I don't fit in well once I'm there. Yes life is good, but I don't know that I get others to feel it.
You believe that everyone should be in charge of their own destiny. Indeed, well except that God is. You’d rather enjoy life as it comes and make decisions as they’re needed. Why waste time worrying? I make decisions all the time, long before I know if I need them. I worry, even though I keep telling myself that God will help me through & that I'm not to worry, cuz as the Bible says, tomorrow will have enough worries/concerns of its own. Life on the edge keeps you sharp. Life on the edge makes me shake & quiver with panic. Sometimes this lack of organization brings unexpected surprises, but you’re able to manage. You don’t always finish everything that you start, because you’re willing to re-evaluate as you go, and if something isn’t holding your attention, then you’ll question whether it’s worth doing. This part is true. I've many half done things around here, which leads to some disorganization. I'm not a messy person. I like a clean life, but I really do need to iron & put away clothes & clean paper work off the kitchen table, but doing this blog is more fun. Don't know that either are really worth doing.
And besides, you love excitement. If it’s new and different, it’s probably something you’d like to try. But while you love trying something new, you don’t have much problem resisting temptation. You know where your boundaries are. Mostly accurate. I have serious trouble resisting chocolate & ice cream. I love excitement, but I live a very boring life because I can't afford the fun new & different things.
You’re strong-minded. In my family we call it stubborn. You are comfortable in your view of the world. You’re not easily swayed by outside influences – you stick to your convictions. You have a clear-cut sense of right and wrong and you’re determined to see the right thing done. Very true.
You’re highly sociable and always willing to make new friends. However, sometimes you can be cautious of new people until they’ve proven themselves to be trustworthy. If someone does manage to put something over on you, it won’t happen twice. You’ll just be doubly careful the next time. I'm cautious of new students & wierd men, all others I trust too much. & I am leary of those who done me wrong, usually...There are a few really bad exceptions that I should have learned from.
People probably describe you as outgoing, friendly and personable. And because of your carefree approach to and easygoing attitude about life, your friends enjoy spending time with you. You’re a tactful, kind friend. You’re tuned in to the feelings of those around you, and that makes your friends feel valued. They likely see you as entirely charming. I hope this is true, but I see myself seeking them out more than I see them seeking me out.
When you’re out with your friends, the spotlight’s on you! No party is complete ‘til you’re there, and your friends look to you for guidance on a good time. Weekends are filled with hobbies, activities and socializing. You’re constantly on the go. I can tell you that the spotlight is not on me & the parties... oh so few I've ever attended seem to do just fine w/o me. Since I'm usually one of the first guests to arrive I often help make the party complete by helping finish the setting up. NO, I don't arrive early. The invitation says 7; I'm there at 7. It says 9 pm; I probably don't even go cuz of my early awakening.
Every other weekend I try to find a friend with whom to do something. But socialize? I wish. Sometimes a group of work friends go dancing, but other times the best I can talk some one into is ice cream in front of the tv. Hobbies? Do grading papers, blogging & yard work count? Constantly on the go? Would I be doing a 2nd blog in a day, or 3 in 2 days if I were on the go? Please, let me be "on the go." No, I don't go alone. It is not fun alone.
Overall, emotionally, you’re even-keeled. You love your life and its endless possibilities. You probably feel how your friends and family genuinely care about you. You tend to be pretty happy with your career. You’re slow to anger, quick to smile and you’re generally upbeat. The bright side is the right side as far as you’re concerned. Well, you read the blog. Am I even-keeled? Life feels rather roller-coasterish & full of stupidity to me. Slow to anger? No. Rarely angered? Yes. But once I've found anger in a day, don't expect it to dissipate soon. & I'll splash it all over the innocent bystanders too, so watch out. Yes, psychologists call it displacement. I can do it very well, so I usually warn the world that I'm angry & that I'll yell at them, too, unless they give me some space & pampering.
As a Counselor, you tune in when people talk to you about their problems. Your gift is that you can understand how others are feeling and picture yourself in the same situation. Because of that, people like to confide in you. By golly, they got this part right. I have way too much empathy, & I so over connect, that I forget to shut up & listen sometimes.
But this great listening skill doesn’t mean that people can push you around. You’re able to address relationship issues without being overly aggressive. However, when it comes to the personal stuff, you prefer to work through your issues in private and want others to respect your privacy, too. Ok, here's splitting some hairs. I have a hard time talking about relationship stuff, but I can write it way too easily. I was raised to not cry. I was raised to solve my own problems. My parents never knew anything about my personal life. But now... well, if you call putting all my emotional crap on a blog that could be seen by millions keeping it private, I suppose there could be truth to this. Heck, I tell strangers the truth when they ask, "How are you?" so I doubt this privacy stuff is true.
You’re not afraid to meet a challenge to your opinions head-on, even if it raises your intensity level. However, your outrageous sense of humor usually helps you lighten things up before a situation gets out of hand. Oh, I have lots of fear, but I am learning to do it anyway. Thus I'll be lucky if my contract is renewed for next year.
& that last line? The ex thought I had no sense of humor & he begged me to use humor when he was going ballistic to help "lighten things up before they got out of hand." Heck, my sense of humor sometimes is what sent him ballistic, 'cuz he so didn't get my humor. Most folks call my humor "dry," and I quite honestly don't know what that means. Some one please point out a comedian, or show that is dry, so I'll understand.
To become an even better communicator, experiment with revealing more of your thoughts and feelings to trusted friends. This openness will increase trust on both sides and improve your relationships. I've been doing this.
As a Lover, you believe that love conquers all, and live life accordingly. When Lovers fall in love, nothing is halfway – all energies go to making that relationship the most wonderful in the world! Roses, candlelight, gifts – no romantic gesture is too large or too small. They give their hearts easily, they share easily, they trust easily. And it’s easy for people to love Lovers, because they give and receive affection so well. A relationship with a Lover is a journey worth taking. Full steam ahead!
I might do some of these things once in awhile, but ... well it's been a long time since I felt love, so I don't know if I really will do this. I do give my heart too easily, & I trust too easily.
As a Great Catch, you’re just made to be in a committed relationship! Great Catches want to find their one special someone, and they actively look until they find that person. Well, I have gone dancing. I have checked out two online matchmaking companies. I did date a lot in college. When they do, settling in is easy! Great Catches love the comfort and contentedness of being part of a couple. They love the idea of having that one person to share their days with – it makes them feel fulfilled! I almost want to puke; it reminds me of that line in Jerry Maguire about being completed. Yes, it would be nice to fill the lonely times with some one, but in general I usually feel rather fulfilled anyway. I would like some one to talk to besides the dog. Some one to hold hands with, & though I rarely initiated sex in 17 years of marriage, I have noticed its absence in these past 2 years + 2 months, so....
They’re ready to go the distance to make the relationship thrive. When problems arise, they tend to dive in right away to repair them. They know that even the best twosomes can hit a bump now and then, but those hiccups can be overcome with some effort and time. For Great Catches, the rewards are worth the work. With this in mind, Great Catches are ready to commit for a lifetime! Oh, lord. I went 17 years with a crappy marriage trying to be what he wanted me to be to "fix" our marriage. I don't know that this is a strength. I think perhaps this is a stupid hole in my brain. And I really don't want to share a house, or a bank account ever again. So I don't know how much of a life time commitment there is if I don't want to live with anyone ever again. Visit regularly for a several days...Ok. LIVE with, nah, don't see it happening.
Ok. So that's that. Count most of the black ink as reasons why I'm only giving them the 7-day trial.
I've got match.com paid for & checked out their "chemistry.com" but didn't like it's prices. But I got chemistry's results. Didn't steal their definitions though. They say I'm :
28% Explorer
29% Builder
21% Negotiator
20% Director
Even with out the definitions to critique here, I think they know me better than true.com does. But their program doesn't see that all of the numbers are actually rather close & that Builder truly doesn't dominate Explorer. Not even Negotiator & Explorer are all that far apart. So their premise that one part is DOMINANT is actually the whim of my hormones & basic mood of that day or my setting.
Then there are the horoscope folks. I'm a leo... hear me roar. One web site has this to say:
Generous and warmhearted
Creative and enthusiastic
Broad-minded and expansive
Faithful and loving
On the dark side....
Pompous and patronizing
Bossy and interfering
Dogmatic and intolerant
Notice that I'm broad minded, expansive & loving yet dogmatic & intolerant.
Let's try again: They are ambitious, courageous, dominant, strong willed, positive, independent, self-confident there is no such a word as doubt in their vocabularies, and they are self-controlled. If I were all these things, I would go be more social on my own instead of dragging friends with me. If I were these things, I would not have stayed in a shitty marriage.
Leos are powers for good, for they are strongly idealistic, humane, and beneficent. They have powerful intelligence and are of a broad philosophical, sometimes religious, turn of mind. Ok, something right here... esp. that intelligence part... remember I'm pompous. ;)
Leos have a passion for luxury, a lust for power, unlimited sexual lust, and emotional indulgence, and a character emerges that no one would want to know either in public life or private. This is so not me. I am so anti luxury, so anti-power hungry & so out of touch with sex, that the rest of it must be garbage too, right?
Well the computer freaked out for a moment there, so that must be sign to quit lifting words from other sites. It is plagiarism after all. I was going to acknowledge the site, but now I think I'll not risk this evaporating again. I like the autosave very much right now. Let's just say I googled Leo zodiac & took it from one of the first 5 sites that came up. If I google it again... it might not be in the same order. I could be like my students & say that google.com was my source, but since I give them a 0 on those entries, I won't.
Time to go read a book, or e-mail FBE, or some do something else stupid.
May you be able to know yourself well enough to not need the internet to define who you are.
Take care,
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