
blatherings about life, the universe & everything.... or more likely just books, students, family, & someday politics, religion and those more esoteric themes related to self actualization. Trying to be optomistic, but raised w/ Tricky Dick, bumbling Ford, Teflon Ron, Waffling-Read-My-Lips Bush & Slick Willie as her formative Presidents. Could we once again have intelligence & integrity in our nation's capital & capitol?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How could it be a month?

Well, I spent a good portion of December in the old home town.

I've spent every weekend with FBE either here or there. I spent more time in the hometown area with him than with my mother or brother. There is even a chance I spent more time with his children during break than with my own. This because of how the custody rotation went. We did do a couple of outings with all 6 kids... or at least 5 of 6. That is EXPENSIVE. Matinee movies & buffet restaurants & still it was a bank roll each time.

He & I were mostly alone on Christmas day. We walked in the zoo. It was very nice.

I know that I will marry him if all continues as it is.

No, we don't have a solution to custody issues, but we think we could be married & not live together for a couple of years. That leaves just my youngest to refigure out custody when I move.

Yes, we do know that we've only been really communicating 3 1/2 months. That only 4 1/2 months ago we said almost our first words to each other in 25 years. Yes, we know. Yes, we know that it sounds crazy to the rest of the world. But it doesn't feel like 3-4 months.

We talk from 5:30-6:30 am, 11:30-12:14, 1 hour in the afternoon on my drive home, and at least one hour around 9 pm-- 5 days a week. Yes a minimum of 4 hours a day when we don't see each other.

I did not talk to my ex one hour a day most of the 17 years. He would say, "So why are you telling me?" or "Let me listen to the game." or "The show's back on."

What do we discuss? What we have done during the day, what's for dinner, the weather, when we get to see each other, our ex's... (ok, his is still technically an almost ex), scripture, our kids, our future, oh & we flirt & compliment. We also just listen in to each other interact with other people. He has two phones so I get to hear him talk with his wife & his kids on the other phone. My ex calls on my land line, so FBE has heard us talk.

We think we might promote FBE (First Boyfriend Ever)to LBE (Last Boyfriend Ever), but I'm a going to skip that step & just wait for Fiancee or Husband.

We know we want to marry. We are tempted by this summer. We know sensible waits longer. We know we are optomistic. I am not cynical about him.

He has a cute flirty personality. He's respectful & honorable He's complimentary or is it complementary... no, he's both actually. Our strengths & weaknesses work together, & he thinks I'm sexy, & beautiful, & smart & sweet & gracious & helpful and enjoyable and irresistable and and and...loveable. Who am I to disagree?

And then there are some other marvelous, glorious, amazing aspects to him... and he thinks so of me too.

Compatability in everything we have discussed, and done. Well, ok I suck at bowling & he's on a league. And as a former soldier & policeman & recent country resident he has guns, & I didn't even buy my kids water guns. But ... we actually don't disagree that much on what the situation in OUR home will be. It still needs some tweaking, but I think we're nearly compromised on that. Especially since OUR home will have fewer & older kids & a gun safe & we agree to fewer guns, just not quite how few. I understand his reasons for the varmint gun & his son's hunting gun. I'd just prefer NONE ever. And I've not actually gotten him to dance yet. He says he will, but he needs to practice up some.

He likes watching me dance... yup, like my daughter said moms aren't supposed to dance. He gets a big grin on his face when I dance around the house or in the car.

Work has had its ups & downs. But unless I screw up somehow major, I am recommended for rehire.

Debate is doing well for our small squad. We win something everytime... just never 1st. Oh, well.

Time to go home, where the internet crashed... besides FBE gets off work in 5-10 minutes & I want to be walking out the school door or in the car when we begin to talk this afternoon.

Today's scripture: Proverbs 15: was about using gentle wise words to be a life giving tree... go look it up. It's been useful.

Take care,


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