
blatherings about life, the universe & everything.... or more likely just books, students, family, & someday politics, religion and those more esoteric themes related to self actualization. Trying to be optomistic, but raised w/ Tricky Dick, bumbling Ford, Teflon Ron, Waffling-Read-My-Lips Bush & Slick Willie as her formative Presidents. Could we once again have intelligence & integrity in our nation's capital & capitol?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

My dearest folks,

Where shall I begin?
Let me add on to the conversation FBE had with his daughter. I love it so. To recap: She caught him hanging up the phone from talking with me, she asked who he had talked to. He had said a friend; she had asked if it was a GIRL friend... she could tell. He did not lie to her; he told her that it was ME. Did she remember the woman at the park in September? Yes, she did. I am a real sweetie. She liked me. Were we going to get married? Well, he didn't know, but yes, it has crossed our minds to do so eventually.

Then today. His 14 year old son asked if he could be FBE's bestman when we marry. FBE told his son, that uh, it wasn't going to be anytime soon. Maybe in 3 years or so.

Yesterday morning: He had me on speaker phone with his kids as they were running some errands. I don't recall much of what was discussed except the pros of root beer & Pepsi over the yucks of Coke. They had been removing large tools from a workshop FBE owns that is on his Father-in-laws land. FBE was supposed to be taking his wife's stuff to the workshop, but I don't think he did. Silly man.

Last night: I had him on speaker phone with my boys. My eldest & I were wrestling around some. He was in my bed around his bedtime & wanted a back rub from me. A few nights ago, Eldest was lounging on my bed when FBE called. I put the earbud in to talk w/ FBE. I said something about plugging him into my ear. He made a comment about getting plugged into me. I said, "That's why I use the earbud & not the speaker phone." Eldest left the room saying he didn't want to know what was said. So last night, I told FBE that he was on speaker phone so he could say things that would make Eldest leave, but he didn't. They talked. Youngest son came in & they talked some too. THEN his son came into the room & whapped him. So then they were wrestling around. It was a night full of laughter.

Last night his wife still lived with him, but she was at her father's "trying" to set some things right. She was supposed to fix several things yesterday. She was to get the mail coming back to the house. Her stopping of his mail & the kids is very probably a felony & almost made some of their bill payments be late. She was to reconnect him to some bank accounts so that he could pay bills. She was to reconnect their son to the son's bank accounts. She did not. She was to return some guns back to the house. FBE bought safety locks for them. She did not. She had agreed to do these things if he went with her to her counselor (he did on Thursday night) and her lawyer, which he did on Friday during work hours. He kept his end of the bargain; she did not.

Some time since I last wrote, he cancelled his lawyer & was going to allow her lawyer to do all of the work, so that they could have a cheaper uncontested divorce. It ain't a happenin' the way she agreed to do it.

He just called. Just now. His words: Keep him in my prayers. WWIII just broke out at his house. A couple of ladies & the pastor are at his house. His bag is packed, & he'll call again in a little while.

Earlier today She was at church long after the after church potluck was over. He knew something was up, but didn't know what. He told her late last night & early this morning that she needed to quit saying that she didn't want the divorce to him & the church folks, but acting like she did w/ the banking, guns, etc. As far as he was concerned he was no longer going to act like they were married in any way. She needed to move out. He would reconnect with his own lawyer if she didn't start talking with him at home about how to divvy up their stuff.

He went to a different church this morning that they sometimes attended, while she went to the one they usually attended. He was so mad that he had rearranged & hidden some of her stuff, but hadn't removed it from the property. I told him that was just his anger & frustration making the situation worse, and that is was childish. If he wanted to do something, then he could take her clothes & necessities to her parents' house for her to use &/or her pack rat stuff to the workshop that he had emptied of his tools. He agreed & said he'd fix it. Last I talked to him was about 4:30; he was watching his son fish still. His wife was still at the church... just blocks away. She would most logically drive by them on her way home.

I wonder how it all went down. I'll know before long. I tried calling around 6:00, when he didn't answer I wondered why he didn't answer. And left a voice mail that said that I knew he was busy doing family things, but that when he needed to talk, I would be available. When by 7:30 he hadn't returned my call, I knew that there was some drama going on at the house, & I knew I could not call again. It was 8:30 when he called for just a minute.

The kids were already mad at her. Now, they'll be ticked off for certain. All three kids have told her that they want to live with their dad in their house. All three kids have told her that she should be the one to leave. They have different reasons, but it adds up to that they are angry with her & don't like the way she treats them or FBE. Yes, he has me in his life now, & they know it. Yes, it is technically immoral & wrong, but they don't care. They are glad their dad has some one in his life that makes him happy. They have no problem keeping their knowledge of me from their mom. BUT I wonder if some how youngest daughter said something accidentally. She was with her mom this morning. Perhaps what FBE has been saying for almost a month now finally sunk into his wife's brain. By the way, her pastor is about as negative about divorce as a church can be. Plus, she has lied to the pastor, & he is taking her side in it all.

I wonder if the kids will talk to the pastor. I wonder if they are in the house. I know they will speak their minds if they are nearby. I wonder if the grown ups will listen to their preferences as to which parent leaves. I wonder if they will mention me & make the whole thing become even worse.

I just wish this drama didn't have to happen ... Why does she have to make it WWIII? duh, ok. She is hurt & angry. She feels cast off for no reason. She doesn't "get it" when he explains to her why he can't take living with her anymore.

I hope & pray that things calm & settle down so that the kids can get some sleep & function at school tomorrow.

Time to go pray some more.

Take care,


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