
blatherings about life, the universe & everything.... or more likely just books, students, family, & someday politics, religion and those more esoteric themes related to self actualization. Trying to be optomistic, but raised w/ Tricky Dick, bumbling Ford, Teflon Ron, Waffling-Read-My-Lips Bush & Slick Willie as her formative Presidents. Could we once again have intelligence & integrity in our nation's capital & capitol?

Saturday, June 14, 2008


It has been months & I should update this thing...

School is over, but prom still has over $800 debt still to be paid because only 64 tickets were sold instead of the usual 115 or so. A carwash for today had to be cancelled because the Walgreen's shift managers couldn't get the store manager to confirm that he had agreed to have the carwash there.

No, the divorce is not yet final. BUT FBE is no longer having mixed emotions. He wants the divorce DONE. He wants to marry me & preferably this summer vs next summer. Truth is, with our state laws it won't happen here unless a miracle happens by July 3rd. He is open to ideas of going out of state, but since we both want family & friends & not just an elopement.... we'll see what happens after we're free to make it happen. He has a meeting with the lawyer on Tuesday. He is finally willing to incur debt to make the divorce get over with. He knows that the settlement money should pay it off and other debts too. Yes, I told him this months ago, but a man has to process his own stuff himself.

It's been rough. In love. Becoming the "other woman." I can listen & console & reassure. If asked I can advise, or I can ask if he wants advice. But can't push. Can't make a man do things he's not ready to do, cuz then it makes things not good for us. No he did not put constraints on what I can & cannot do, except he won't let me send an anonymous letter to his wife that mainly just tells her to accept God's loving forgiveness instead of living by RULES & punishments. I only put vague stuff in there, but he thinks she'd figure out it was me. I even wrote it ambiguously so it sounds like I live in town. I use people I know in town unnamed of course as sources of my knowledge.

It's a small town, people talk. You know that 6 degrees thing for the world? Well in a town of 2000 it goes faster than 6 links. Turns out my cousins were in school with her. One of them worked with her... heck, she probably was a nurse for my relatives when they were in two different nursing homes. But my grapevine in the community is small. See she has friends & pastors & relatives there. I have a mom who has almost no friends, a brother & friend who probably have more on line friends than people friends. They all three are mostly mouth shut people. But my mom knows how to listen & she has talked with relatives who don't live in state anymore for the background knowledge.


I am now on facebook. IMing with a long lost friend & this is too complicated for my vacationing brain.

Take care